junho 29, 2021Hey guys, I’m here running away from Auckland today I came with Shaun and Josie
Ei gente, dá um salve! We are going to Piha, we actually are already here Shaun is a friend who does this trip to this place Which is not too bad
And we are here running away from the city To check it out what has here close to Auckland Follow us on this tour Let’s go! Where are we going? Oi?! Where are we going?? ?!?!?$# Para onde estamos indo? A única coisa em “brasileiro” que eu sei é Jeitinho Brasil Que?! It was Rapha, that’s your fault Rapha! Significa que eu provavelmente vou me atrasar Hahaha é verdade Então, nós vamos nessa pedra aqui, ver as ondas baterem contra a gente E depois vamos ir até a caverna que passa por dentro desta montanha
Nós vamos entrar na caverna um pouco e todo mundo vai ficar bem molhado Depois nós vamos voltar e andar pelas pedras, e provavelmente vamos sentar para comer Ok, Fala de novo, what is going on? Então, tem duas formas de descer até a areia preta que você está vendo aqui embaixo A primeira forma é indo por esse caminho de terra bem fácil Este é o jeito chato
O jeito maneiro é descendo direto pelo rochedo Tipo escalada?! We will do some rock climbing here! Uma escalada bem fácil I will change to the GoPro guys, let’s go! Look where we are going in now
The water is cold but it’s less cold than Rio de Janeiro waters It’s all good! It’s cool because he goes on sharing his stories you know Like he have always lived here, 40 years has lots of stories to tell from here Really worth it coming here with him
He is super cool and shares the adventures of this region, what you can do around This is only one of the beaches, he said that there are 14 beaches that he brings people to and showing how they are, pretty nice So, she will teach me how to do “estrelinha”
what is the name for “estrelinha”?!?! Cartwheel! Foi legal?!?! Você precisa ficar mais reto Eu gostei muito da areia ela é bem macia! É diferente Francamente, eu acho que não tem nenhuma areia no mundo que eu goste mais que essa Ah, essa area está bem seca, tenta isso aqui
pega um pouco e deixe cair pelos seus dedos É que nem seda, cara Guys, this is out of the standards! Omg, it’s really beautiful And I have never seen black sand
like, in fact is a beach with black sand that’s why they call this place the Black Sand Beach It’s different because it’s a volcanic beach, so it was all created by volcanic eruptions etc Including these rocks and maybe because of that, I don’t know why, I don’t know the difference but I can see it has lots of Silica you can notice that it shines not sure if you can see it on the video, but the beach kinda of shines its black and shiny And it’s really soft
the sand is really soft really different from
from the common beaches, the sand you step and sink you know? It is consistent but soft You step and you It’s different
feels nice I liked it Like first time I see something like that and it’s pretty cool Sua vez We left Piha and came to a place called Bethells Bethells, é isso? As vezes é chamado de Te Henga Te Henga
Em Maori So, the Maori name is Te Henga So here have some sand dunes but the sand is black So are dark dunes really gorgeous Very beautiful
I will show you and you can, you know, we didn’t bring boards but you can even slide down the dune here So if you are in Auckland and will come here for a day bring a small board a bodyboard and you will have fun here
but even just come for a walk, to relax pretty nice Guys, as I have said before, nature was really generous with this country
Check this out! Black sand with a pine tree forest on the back The wind mind be blowing strong, sorry Wow, look how it moves Beautiful hey Wow, tá bem fria! What a dumb idea hahah There is quicksand here guys For those who have never seen quicksand, you really feel being sucked to the earth Incredible I mean, dangerous, weird Agora nós vamos subir correndo uma duna bem grande Qual? Essa aqui? Essa bem aqui Guys, this is over 50 meters high you can’t understand the size of that It’s bizarre And we will climb this omg, looks like a building looking from here Looks like a mountain Holy cow Omg you can’t understand that
You can’t see how is that check it out Climb the dune! Looks like a building! I’m damn struggling here! Holy s$%t Esses kiwis são malucos These guys are pretty crazy, these new zealanders! I’m running on a sand dune I’m eating so much sand! Shaun, fala aí porque você decidiu começar essa empresa? Porque começou a fazer estes tours? O que você fazia antes e porque você decidiu mudar de vida e fazer o que você está fazendo hoje? Ok, eu estava na área de Software por muito tempo Em que? Software Ah software, cara de TI
Na verdade eu estava mais envolvido em negócios e acabei fazendo muitas coisas diferentes Aí, eu conheci muita gente vindo para a Nova Zelândia Eles aterrizavam em Auckland
E eles voavam paraeu tenho tempo para contar a história? Não Não, ok! Chegando em Auckland eles iam viajar para lugares legais como Coromandel Sabe, Queenstown
E todos voltavam a Auckland e eles diziam algo que é dito em todo o país Não tem nada para fazer em Auckland Bem, isso é o que nós fazemos em Auckland Irado Então quando a gente criou isso nós queríamos mostrar as pessoas que existem lugares lindos em qualquer lugar da Nova Zelândia, incluindo Auckland
Existem coisas divertidas para fazer em qualquer lugar que você for Mas porque você decidiu sair do seu emprego de escritório Essa é uma longa história Na verdade essa é uma pergunta fácil né? Olha o que a gente fez hoje, foi super divertido Muito mais divertido que ficar numa jaula o dia inteiro Sim, é incrível trazer pessoas para lugares como esse e curtir o dia
Deixa eu por as minhasjandals! Sandálias Porque que eu fiz isso
O mundo corporativo nunca me levou a onde eu queria ir E esse é um caminho diferente Onde você quer ir? Isso é segredo! Beleza! Yeah, guys
you just heard it He worked his whole life in companies etc With business and IT I mean Information Technology, softwares etc Got sick of it and decided to start promoting tours to take people to know his city and surroundings I find this amazing, I believe we should do more of this on our country you know There are so many cool things to see on our cities, on our country The number of international tourists going to Brazil is increasing more and more and still doesnt’ have this kind of thing going on for the visitors (gringos) I mean, showing them the hidden gems
People only go to the touristic places But doesn’t go to visit the place that you as a local Sorry, this beer is not mine, I just picked up the bottle on the way
They don’t go to the places that you as a local usually go to explore, you know? I think there is space for such kind of business in our country I’m just giving an insight, maybe you are willing to change your life This can be an option, alright? Hope you liked the video Today was amazing The link for his tour is in the description and I highly recommend because Much more than the tour and visiting the places, I mean there are over 14 different places he goes out of Auckland City that are AMAZING Today we visited only two of them But there are many other options that are really cool, I have seen his pictures
And it’s worth it, even because of having him as a guide He is such a nice dude You will meet a real Kiwi, it’s a pretty fun day Alright? See you in the next video! Cheers!